Is Too Much Community a Bad Thing? (I think NOT!)

There’s some buzz out there in the Salesforce social circles about something called Midwest Dreamin’ 2014.  What is that, you ask?  I’ll tell you.

The recipe to make Midwest Dreamin’ 2014 is a well-kept secret, but the descerning palate can detect a few things:

  1. The best of a user group meeting
  2. A little Dreamforce flair
  3. A little food
  4. Some socializing
  5. A great venue with awesome surroundings

Yes…I know, that really doesn’t tell you much of anything, but this entire post was meant to tease you, to spark your curiosity, to make you want to learn more.  Sorry…you will have to wait for another post.

Interested in sponsorship opportunities for Midwest Dreamin’ 2014?  Send an email to and we will make sure you get all the details once we have them!

One last teaser:  Midwest Dreamin’ 2014, Coming to Chicago, Summer, 2014.

Join the group on the Salesforce Success Community and keep up with the buzz!